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Thor 6 (0.8°W) Transponder 29

Posizione orbitale Satellite Norad .ini News canali Solo in chiaro Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Ultimo aggiornamento
0.8°W Thor 7 40613 38 3 0.62°W 0.00° 0.04° N/A N/A 2024-11-19 05:06
0.8°W Thor 5 32487 256 56 0.72°W 0.00° 0.01° N/A N/A 2024-11-07 19:09
0.8°W Thor 6 36033 605 55 0.81°W 0.00° 0.00° N/A N/A 2024-11-30 09:32
0.8°W Intelsat 10-02 28358 85 13 0.95°W 0.00° 0.04° N/A N/A 2024-11-06 23:15

Ordinati per: Codifica: Modalità di visualizzazione:

36 record - Ordinati per frequenza - Gli aggiornamenti più recenti: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
0.8°W 36Thor 6 12265.00V29K2 EuropeDVB-SQPSK28000 7/8M7 Group, 45.2 Mb/s 1536709 KingOfSat charts update form
Sorozatklub Ungheria General Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30901 2351 2360 hun  2350  2351    2024-03-28 +
Sorozatklub Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30901 2351 2360 hun  2350  2351    2024-04-09
Moziklub Ungheria Various Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30902 2401 2410 hun  2400  2401    2024-03-29 +
TV2 Klub Ungheria General Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30906 351 360 hun  350  351    2024-03-05 +
Super TV 2
Ungheria Intrattenimento Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30907 401 410 hun  400  401    2015-08-31 +
National Geographic Romania Romania Documentaries Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30908 451 463 rom  450  451    2021-03-27 +
Private TV non definito Adult Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30909 501 512  500  501    2014-09-01 +
Pro TV Romania General Focus Sat Conax
Nagravision 3
30910 551 563 rom  550  551    2021-08-13 +
FilmBox Basic Romania Movies Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30911 601 610 hun  600  601    2024-01-09 +
Prime Ungheria Various Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30912 651 660 hun  650  651  670  2019-03-06 +
Viasat 2 Ungheria Intrattenimento Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30913 1301 1310 hun
1311 eng 
1300  1301    2023-08-03 +
Cinemax 2 Europe
Ungheria Movies Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30914 751 760 hun
761 cze
762 eng
763 rom 
750  751    2020-06-22 +
Blue Hustler Regno Unito Erotic Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30915 251 262 eng  250  251    2014-04-11 +
Duna TV
Ungheria General Focus Sat
Direct One
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30916 801 810 hun  800  801  820  2011-11-02 +
Viasat 2. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30917 1301 1310  1800  1301    2024-06-21
Viasat Film Hungary Ungheria Movies Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30918 1351 1360 hun
1361 eng 
1350  1351    2023-08-03 +
TV2Klub. Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30919 351 360  1000  351    2024-06-21
Hustler TV U.S.A. Adult Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30920 1101 1112 eng  1100  1101    2017-07-24 +
Viasat Explore Romania Romania Documentaries Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30921 1151 1160 rom
1161 hun 
1150  1151    2024-01-20 +
Viasat Explore. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30922 1151 1160 rom
1161 hun 
1200  1151    2024-06-21
Viasat Film. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30924 1351 1360 hun  1850  1351    2023-07-03
AXN Central Europe Regno Unito Series Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30925 1401 1410 hun
1411 eng 
1400  1401    2023-08-03 +
Prime. Digi TV
Focus Sat
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30926 651 660 hun  1500  651  670  2024-11-03
TLC. Digi TV
Focus Sat
Nagravision 3 30927 151 160 hun
161 cze
162 eng 
1600  151    2021-03-27
Private TV. Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30928 501 512 eng  1700  501    2019-10-13
Hustler. Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30929 1101 1112 eng  1750  1101    2019-10-13
Filmbox Basic. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30930 601 610 hun
611 qaa 
1650  601    2024-06-21
AXN CE. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30932 1401 1410 hun  2050  1401    2023-07-03
Arena 4 Ungheria Sport Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
30933 2001 2010 hun  2000  2001    2024-06-15 +
Sorozatklub.. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30934 2351 2360 hun  2450  2351    2024-04-15
Arena 4. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30935 2001 2010 hun  2100  2001    2024-06-21
Moziklub. Digi TV Nagravision 3 30936 2401 2410 hun  2500  2401    2024-08-04
TV2Klub (SVT) M7 Nagravision 3 30937 351 360 hun  2200  351    2024-06-21
Prime (SVT) M7 Nagravision 3 30938 651 660 hun  2250  651  670  2024-06-21
SuperTV2 (SVT) M7 Nagravision 3 30939 401 410 hun  2300  401    2024-06-21
National Geographic Romania Romania Documentaries Digi TV Nagravision 3 30940 451 462 eng
463 rom 
2550  451    2024-08-04 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (12265.00 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Ultimo aggiornamento
30902 2401 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30902 2410 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30906 351 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30906 360 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30907 401 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30907 410 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30908 451 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30908 462 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30908 463 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30908 473 DVB Subtitle 2024-12-02
30909 501 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30909 512 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30910 551 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30910 563 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30911 601 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30911 610 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30911 611 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30912 651 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30912 660 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30912 670 Teletext Subtitle 2024-12-02
30913 1301 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30913 1310 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30913 1311 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30914 751 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30914 760 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30914 761 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30914 762 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30914 763 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30914 771 DVB Subtitle 2024-12-02
30914 772 DVB Subtitle 2024-12-02
30914 773 DVB Subtitle 2024-12-02
30915 251 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30915 262 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30916 801 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30916 810 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30916 820 Teletext 2024-12-02
30918 1351 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30918 1360 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30918 1361 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30920 1101 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30920 1112 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30921 1151 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30921 1160 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30921 1161 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30921 1170 DVB Subtitle 2024-12-02
30925 1401 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30925 1410 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30925 1411 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30927 151 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30927 160 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30927 162 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30933 2001 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30933 2010 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02
30934 2351 MPEG Video N/A N/A FPS 2024-12-02
30934 2360 MPEG Audio 2024-12-02

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